Factory flour

Online technical training blog

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Industry News
Driverless trains, computer algorithms and laser detectors have been hailed as the future of transportation. Automation is moving into a whole new generation, with cars, ocean tankers and trains becoming increasingly automated.
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Industry News
Electric cars are officially about to break into the mainstream.  “In 2015, 462,000 people around the world bought electric cars, according to the report — up 59% from the year before.” (
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Student Tips
Online education has gained an incredible momentum lately. This is due to many advantages it offers, especially for busy students. With education funding being tight and our increasingly fast paced lives, universities and colleges are quickly moving more and more towards online learning, leaving behind the old traditional models of learning in classrooms.
Possible-Pathways-Control-System by tofino security
Technical Tips
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are used in almost all industrial processes and are an integral part of a nations industry and manufacturing infrastructure.
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Industry News
The adoption of robotics in industry continues to grow at a very rapid pace.  “Between 2005 and 2008, the average annual number of robots sold was about 115,000 units.
Industry News
Fifty years ago – perhaps even as few as twenty – the idea that one day post-secondary courses would be taught in a virtual classroom rather than one surrounded by bricks and mortar would seem preposterous.
traffic light simulation
Career Tips
Probably the most common question that we get from potential PLC students is “what’s the difference between our PLC and PLC II Technician Certificate programs?” The answer is a bit technical but we’ll try to keep it short and simple. Both programs provide a thorough introduction to PLCs but with one very important difference. The difference is defined by which generation of PLC technology is covered in the program and emulated, in the accompanying simulation tool.
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Industry News
Programmable Logic Controllers , also known as PLCs, are robust industrial electronic systems used for controlling a wide variety of mechanical systems and applications. So how common are PLCs why are they so important? Well, in our heavily technologically reliant society, PLC systems are found everywhere, including in our factories, office buildings and even controlling the traffic on our streets. PLCs are at the very heart of the control of many critical technologies that most of us don`t give even a second thought to, they are so seamlessly and invisibly integrated into our daily lives.
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Student Tips
It’s Tuesday and you’ve been asked to work on a new program for one of the PLCs in your plant that needs to be completed by the end of the week.
Colin Simpson, Dean
Industry News
Distance education pioneer Colin Simpson, Dean of George Brown College's Centre for Continuous Learning, will receive Nipissing University'