Online technical training blog

Student Tips
With tax season quickly approaching, it’s time to start preparing and gathering all relevant receipts and paperwork to file your taxes! Students can access and download their T2202 form from their online student account, which will account for all programs paid for during the 2024 calendar year.

Student Tips
We would like to thank everyone again who joined our Winter 2025 Virtual Open House.
We had a fantastic session and truly enjoyed answering your questions on topics such as:

Student Tips
The holiday season is here, we wanted to update you on how the holiday break will impact our GBC Tech Training technical, tutorial, and administrative support.

Student Tips
We hosted our Virtual Open House on October 2nd for prospective students interested in our online Certificate programs including Electronics, Electromechanical, Automation, Electric Vehicles, PLCs, Robotics, and our recently launched Wind Technici

Student Tips
Many people considering our online technical programs and even registered students often comment “there is content overlap between the programs ”.&

Student Tips
We would like to thank everyone again who joined our Spring 2024 Virtual Open House.

Student Tips
On January 31st, we held an Open House session to answer your questions about our online Technical Certificate programs in electronics, electromechanics, automation, EVs, PLCs and robotics.

Student Tips
How to Access your eCertificate when you Graduate your Program

Student Tips
An official transcript is a record of the grades you’ve earned while attending college.

Student Tips
With the holiday season quickly approaching, we wanted to update you on how the holiday break will impact our GBCTechTraining technical, tutorial, and administrative support.

Student Tips
Better Jobs Ontario (formerly Second Career) Can Help You Retrain and Re-enter the Job Market

Student Tips
We understand that exams can be stressful for our students, so today, we're here to delve into everything related to exams and provide valuable insights.

Student Tips
Congratulations on enrolling in one of our online training programs! As you begin your training, staying organized and motivated to succeed is essential.

Student Tips
Our Facebook Group gives you the opportunity to get linked to a larger student community who share the same interests as you, a chance to network with past alumni of your program of choice and to discover new job opportunities, based on your interests.

Student Tips
With the holiday season quickly approaching, we wanted to update you on how the holiday break will impact our GBCTechTraining technical, tutorial, and administrative support.

Student Tips
Whether you’re an Automotive Technician, Electrician or just interested in the rapidly expanding Electric Vehicle (EV) sector you’ll want to check out our recent Webinar.

Student Tips
There are many great reasons why you should consider studying in the comfort of your own home rather than on campus. The obvious benefits – and perhaps those that come to mind the quickest – are likely to be the saving of time and money.

Student Tips
The argument over the value of online learning has been put to bed over the last 2 years, simply based on the amazing flexibility that it provides people in their place, on their own time, and with whatever priorities th

Student Tips
Continuing to pursue your education as an adult can be a real challenge since you must balance your daily activities while completing school assignments and evaluations.

Student Tips
Learning new skills is one of the most effective methods to grow in your career.

Student Tips
If you have written exams before or if you are about to take your first exam, you may know that Internet Explorer (IE) was the recommended browser for taking exams, as it was the only browser that supported the ActiveX co