Online Automation Technician Training

Certificate Program & Training

The Automation Technician program provides students with the practical know how and technical skills to get started in the rapidly growing field of manufacturing technology.

Technician holding tablet

About the program

The Automation Technician program provides an introduction to industrial automation including digital electronics, process control and programming of PLCs, robotics and SCADA systems. The industrial automation training program examines applications and examples of automated manufacturing systems including both the theory and function of digital and industrial electronics hydraulics and pneumatics, robotic systems, digital programming languages and alarm management. No background in Automation is required.

The online industrial training program includes eighteen modules of interactive curriculum using text, video, 2D and 3D animations, photos, audio clips and interactive lab simulations. Pre-tests, interactive exercises, sample exams, and online support prepare you for computer-based final exams. The average completion time of the eighteen training modules is thirty-two weeks of part-time study. One of the main features of the Automation Training program is the integration of theory with laboratory experiments and projects. Students who enrol in the program receive a licensed copy of LogixSim, which includes both 2D- and 3D-simulation software and features CircuitLogix, RoboLogix, PLCLogix, and 3DLab simulation products.

For a detailed description of the Automation Technician Certificate program visit


LogicSim Simulation Software

LogixSim is a suite of software products that provides “real world” laboratory simulation of electricity, electronics, robotics, and programmable logic controllers perfect for online industrial training. It combines four simulators and offers unlimited possibilities for the design, testing, and  debugging of control devices and automated equipment as well as circuit schematics and systems. From the simplest control circuits to the most complex, LogixSim has the versatility to suit almost any requirement for real-world simulation.


3DLab is a simulated bench top, designed to closely replicate the appearance and functionality of actual electrical and electronic devices and instruments. 3DLab features a workbench and shelves containing over 30 realistic-looking devices which are interconnected to perform a wide range of DC/AC experiments and laboratory projects.


CircuitLogix is a software program that converts your computer into a fully-functioning electronics laboratory with thousands of components and devices that are easily interconnected. Circuit-Logix is a SPICE-based 2D-schematic editor, which provides simulation of analog, digital, and mixed-mode devices and circuits.

PLCLogix 5000

PLCLogix is a PLC simulator that emulates the operation of an RSLogix 5000 PLC. It provides users with the ability to write, edit and debug programs written using the RSLogix 5000 tag-based format. PLCLogix 5000 also features 10 “real world” 3D control application environments including batch processing, elevators, traffic lights, car washes, etc.


RoboLogix is a robotics simulation software package that is designed to emulate real-world robotics applications using a five-axis industrial robot based on the FANUC LR-series of robots. RoboLogix allows you to write, test, and de-bug robotics programs and observe the robot’s operation using a realistic looking manipulator in a 3D simulation environment.

Automation Technician


The program includes a wide variety of content including text, audio, 3D animations, images and lab projects, The automated examples are used throughout the program to demonstrate theory and application.

Automation Technician

The LogixSim includes CircuitLogix, 3DLab, PLCLogix 5000 and RoboLogix simulation tools that can be used to design, program, install and troubleshoot industrial electronic, robotics and PLC equipment. Having four simulators in one offers unlimited possibilities for the design testing and debugging of controlled devices and automated equipment as well as circuit schematics and systems from the simplest control circuits to the most complex. 

Program Costs

George Brown College offers you a number of easy registration options, to make it convenient and affordable for you to register in the Automation Technician Certificate. You can register for the program in full, or if you prefer, you can pay module-by-module with our pay-as-you-learn option or just purchase the curriculum material on its own.  Our pay-as-you-learn option gives you the ability to begin the program after paying a portion of the cost, and as you work your way through the program you will pay for your next module as you access it.  If you are on a budget, this can be a great way to get started on or continue your education without a huge up-front investment. 

Total cost

Payment Options

Full Registration

Students register and pay for the complete program at one time. Full registration includes all tuition fees and learning material fees for the program and represents the entire program cost of $1780. It also includes the laboratory simulation software program and access to all of the learning resources for the 18 modules as well web-based supplemental resources, free tutorial and technical support and online testing.

Pay-As-You-Learn Registration

Initial registration is $560 (includes all learning materials, laboratory simulation software and Module 1) and registration for each of the remaining 17 modules is $60 or $70 or $90/module. Students may register for one or more modules at any time.

Purchase the Curriculum Material

Purchase the web-based curriculum material on its own, at a cost of $490, and preview it before registering into the program,

Additional Online Program Resources

The Industrial Automation Training program’s Online Student Resource Center provides a wide range of additional resources including access to discussion forums, tutorial videos, images, supplemental learning materials. Online exams are also accessed within the Resource Center, submitted online for marking and then posted to the student’s account in the Resource Center, giving exam results almost right away.


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