Online PLC Programming Technician Training

Certificate Program & Training

The PLC Technician program provides a complete technical education in PLCs, giving you practical knowledge and skills you can take to work and apply right away.

manager with tablet in from of PLC Controls

About the program

The PLC Technician Certificate program provides a basic introduction to PLCs, focusing on the practical applications of using PLCs in a plant or manufacturing system. The program is designed for students with little or no PLC experience, who require a safe and quick start in the fundamentals of PLC operation and programming.

The self-paced study program allows students to move through the curriculum at their own pace, according to what time they have available within the busy schedules.  This program is divided into 19 modules; each contains text, animations, mini audio lectures, illustrations, review questions, pre-built lab projects and practice exams.


Simulation software

The simulation software, PLCLogix 500 is designed to emulate the Rockwell (Allen Bradley) series of PLCs. This simulation software which includes over 250 pre-built lab projects, allows the student to develop their programming skills, writing, testing, and de-bugging PLC programs. Essentially the PLCLogix 500 simulates the PLC, ladder rung editor and all the electrical components that have, until now, been required to learn PLC programming and operation. The simulation also enables program to be fully tested offline before they are entered and run in an online ‘real-world’ environment removing safety concerns and possible damage to real equipment.

PLCLogix 500 Simulator

PLCLogix 500 simulator also provides eleven interactive 3D animations or “3DWorlds” which emulate a wide range of manufacturing and service applications including Batch Mixing, Bottling Line, Dual-Compressor, Elevator, Moving Car Wash, Silo, Single-Compressor, Stationary Car Wash, Traffic Lights, Warehouse Door and Valve.

Online PLC Programming Technician Training

Valve Simulation

Over 250 pre-built lab projects allow students to develop their programming skills to write, test and de-bug PLC programs using an interactive I/O interface and the eleven 3D worlds.

Online PLC Programming Technician Training

Video file

PLCLogix 500 is used throughout the program to teach and experiment with the fundamentals of RSLogix 500 ladder logic programming, using file-based addressing.

PLC Technician shares a common core of seven modules with the PLC Technician II program, including I/O System, programming terminals and peripherals, installation & maintenance of PLCs, timers, counters, sequencers, process control.

Program Costs

George Brown College offers you a number of easy registration options, to make it convenient and affordable for you to register in the Electronics Technician Certificate. You can registration for the program in full, or if you prefer, you can pay module-by-module with our pay-as-you-learn option or just purchase the curriculum material on its own.  Our pay-as-you-learn option gives you the ability to begin the program after paying a portion of the cost, and as you work your way through the program you will pay for your next module as you access it.  If you are on a budget, this can be a great way to get started on or continue your education without a huge up-front investment. 

Total cost

Payment Options

Full Registration

Students register and pay for the complete program at one time. Full registration includes all tuition fees and learning material fees for the program and represents the entire program cost of $1700. It also includes the laboratory simulation software program and access to all of the learning resources for the 19 modules as well web-based supplemental resources, free tutorial and technical support and online testing.

Pay-As-You-Learn Registration

Initial registration is $440 (includes all learning materials, laboratory simulation software and Module 1) and registration for each of the remaining 18 modules is $70/module. Students may register for one or more modules at any time.

Purchase the curriculum material

Purchase the web-based curriculum material on its own, at a cost of $370, and preview it before registering into the program,

Additional Online Program Resources

To further enhance your learning experience, the Online Student Resource Center provides supplementary materials for PLC Technician students. This includes alternative study content, detailed examples, exercises, tutorial videos, student forums, and an online exam center, all designed to support your journey in becoming a skilled PLC Technician. These resources are tailored to help reinforce the practical skills needed for programming, installation, and maintenance of PLC systems, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

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