Online Robotics Technician Training
Certificate Program & Training
Robotics Technician certificate program provides a technical education in industrial robots, giving you practical knowledge and skills you can take to work and apply right away.

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About the program
The Robotics Technician program provides an introduction to industrial robotics and explains how they are used in plants or manufacturing systems. The primary focus of the program is on automated manufacturing processes, the role of robots within those processes and all related support equipment.
This program is designed in a self directed format which allows our students to work on program material at a pace they feel comfortable with, at home or in their workplace, without the need to attend college on a full or part-time basis. The curriculum contains fourteen modules of theory and lab projects. Each module contains text, animations, mini audio lectures, illustrations, review questions, pre-built lab projects and practice exams that engage and train with the concepts common to all robots.
Simulation software
The simulation software, RoboLogix (based on FANUC LR Mate series robots), is designed to emulate real-world robotics applications and employs the basic principles common to the vast majority of robots currently in use in the automation industry including Cartesian and SCARA designs. This sophisticated simulator helps students learn the practical side of programming industrial robots in a safe environment. It uses a teach pedant and very common instruction set that may be familiar to those who have already worked on Fanuc and Motoman systems. The 3D simulated training environments included in the program are pick and place, spray painting, conveyor/palletizing and welding applications. The powerful simulation tool provides students with engineering-level simulation and robotics equipment worth thousands of dollars.
Robotics Technician

The Paint application allows you to define thickness (or coverage area) as well as the color of the paint applied to the vehicle
Robotics Technician
RoboLogix allows the user to teach, test, run and debug programs using the robot arm and end effector. The user can visually examine the execution of programs and control algorithms while plotting instantaneous joint accelerations velocities and positions. In this way the user gains hands-on robotics programming training in a safe and secure environment.
RoboLogix simulation software includes approximately 60 lab projects presented in four 3D application environments. It introduces the concepts of multi-axes robots and demonstrates how they can be used in a plant or manufacturing system. Users gain practical, “hands on” programming of an industrial robot through a combination of teach-pendant programming and 3D simulation environments. These environments include pick and place, spray painting and spot and arc welding.
The RoboLogix programming environment provides a very realistic simulation of control systems using robotic equipment. The ability to preview the behavior of a robotic system in a “virtual” world allows for a variety of mechanisms, devices, configurations and controllers to be tried and tested by students before being exposed to “real world” systems. RoboLogix receives control signals, determines if contact or collision between objects in the system has occurred, and returns simulated sensor information as feedback. This system has the capacity of real-time simulation of the motion of an industrial robot through 3D animation. The principles of 3D motion simulation and both geometry modeling and kinematics modeling are presented in the RoboLogix virtual environment
Program Costs
George Brown College offers you a number of easy registration options, to make it convenient and affordable for you to register in the Electronics Technician Certificate. You can registration for the program in full, or if you prefer, you can pay module-by-module with our pay-as-you-learn option or just purchase the curriculum material on its own. Our pay-as-you-learn option gives you the ability to begin the program after paying a portion of the cost, and as you work your way through the program you will pay for your next module as you access it. If you are on a budget, this can be a great way to get started on or continue your education without a huge up-front investment.
Additional Online Program Resources
To further enhance the program and provide supplemental learning the Online Student Resource Center offers additional resources including alternative study content, examples, exercises, tutorial videos, student tutorial forums and the online exam center.