Online Technical Training Blog

3 Reasons To Join Our Facebook Group
One of the really great benefits of being a student or graduate of our online technical training programs is that you gain lifetime access to our private Facebook group. This group provides our students with a online community where they can network with others and access additional career and job related resources.
Specifically, here are the 3 main reasons why you should join:
1. You will become linked to a larger student community, with many shared interests
Our group provides you with the opportunity to meet, share ideas, and interact with other gbctechtechtraining students. In the group, members can share their experiences in the program, discuss their interests, goals, and challenges, and each week we post original and curated content, such as news and trends, all related to the manufacturing and program sectors.
2. Network with past alumni of your program
Many graduates of our programs remain active in the group and share their work, job hunting, and professional experiences within it, long after they have finished their certificates. You can use the group as an opportunity to build professional relationships with other working technicians and take a proactive approach to career development. Grab a virtual coffee with another grad or ask your newfound network of technician colleagues for help with related technical questions.
3. Discover new job opportunities on our Facebook Group
Career related content is regularly shared on the group, including job postings and career resources that can help you succeed in the job market. We regularly publish new job postings from a wide range of companies, across Canada and the US, looking to hire technicians, into jobs related to our programs. If you’re interested in a job, you simply follow the instructions in the post and apply to companies directly.
So that’s it. If you’re a registered GBCTechTraining student or Graduate and haven’t joined the group yet, we encourage you to do so, today! If you are a new student, check your welcome emails for a personal invitation to join. If you are an existing student, drop us a quick email and we will get you signed up, right away.