Online technical training blog

Industry News
1. Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0

Industry News
In recent years, we’ve grown accustomed to the integration of smart technologies into our everyday lives.

Industry News
Keeping up with the technology changes in the manufacturing/industrial industry is important to stay relevant in your job/career.

Industry News
Autonomous vehicles, once relegated to works of science fiction and, more recently, among the technologies that “weren’t quite there yet”, are a

Industry News
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is constantly and rapidly evolving. New technological advancements in industrial smart factories seem to be happening all the time.

Career Tips
You have finally made the decision to go back to school and further your education. Your reasons are clear, including learning new skills, transitioning into a new career, or taking your career to the next level.

Industry News
To the general public, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is an aspect of science that lives on the periphery of our understanding.

Student Tips
At GBCTechTraining, we’re often asked the question: how does a two-year associate degree completed in the United States compare to a two-year diploma program earned from a Canadian college?

Student Tips
Your home should be a stress-free environment. But living through a pandemic and the rules associated with it, can be more challenging especially since work and school are now more closely integrated in your home.

Industry News
It is no secret that Canada’s economy is deeply rooted in the services and natural resources sectors. Nor is it a secret that until recently manufacturing has slowly ebbed away from domestic shores following the promise of cheaper labour abroad.

Student Tips
Did you know that typically only about 40% of students actually complete their college certificate or degree, (after a period of 6 years)?[1] That’s a stat that most schools aren’t too comfortable talking about but the reality is t

Student Tips
System Requirements for GBC Technical Training Certificate Programs

Career Tips
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating new challenges for the manufacturing industry. Research by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),

Industry News
As automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics improve, it may be increasingly tempting to employ automatic means to accomplish industry goals. The degree to which a task is automated is referred to as levels of automation (LOA).

Career Tips
If you’re considering a career in automation, you must already know that you’ll be working on a wide range of control systems, from simple fuses and motors to sophisticated electronic computer interface boards, programmable logic controllers (PLCs

Career Tips
Covid-19 has made it difficult for even the most social among us to build connections. Here are a few tips to help technical professionals build and maintain their connections online, and prepare themselves for the post-pandemic world.

Industry News
The beginning of this, the third decade of the new millennium, may have started out rather bleak, but it does not mean that things like innovation or advances in technology have come to a grinding halt.

Student Tips
Online education has brought numerous advantages to learning, such as making education more accessible, and in some ways, more interactive and engaging. However, it has also brought some unique challenges.

Student Tips
As we are still in the middle of a pandemic, many post-secondary institutions have shifted their traditional in-class instruction and delivery of programs and courses online.