Online Technical Training Blog

Dear Companies, Please Send Us Your Job Postings to Share in our Facebook Group!
Providing job placement services to our GBC Technical Training students and graduates has always been a challenge as our students are so broadly distributed! About 90% of them are spread out across North America, and the remaining 10 % are even further away, ranging from the Australian outback to the oil rigs of the North Sea.
We realized that we could do more on this front by hosting a private Facebook Group for our students and grads. The goal of this Facebook Group is to create a private community where our students can network with each other and advance their careers using these valuable connections. Every new student is invited to join the Group, and program graduates are welcome to remain a member for as long as they wish.
Once we started the Group, it didn’t take us very long to figure out that our members really value seeing relevant job postings that match their typical backgrounds and program training. We currently post an average of about two jobs a week within the Facebook Group. It is free to post so you don’t have to worry about any charges. We’ve received lots of very positive feedback from our members, often with one common request – give us more!
To accomplish this, we need your help.
If you have an opening for a position at your company that you think a student or graduate of our Electronics, Electromechanical, PLC or Robotics Technician programs might be a good fit for, please have your HR department, or the hiring manager send it along to us. We’ll review the posting to ensure it is appropriate for our Group, post it and hopefully produce some successful matchmaking. Any Group member interested in applying for your position will contact your company directly. We don’t want to be in the middle, we just want to help you and our students to make a connection.
Please send us your job postings to [email protected].
Let us know if you have any questions. We hope we can help you fill your job postings with GBC students and grads!