Online Technical Training Blog

What Happens If I Fail My Exam?
To obtain your George Brown College Technician Certificates you must successfully pass all the modules in your program. This means that you must achieve a grade of at least 60% on each module’s exam.
So what happens if you fail a module exam?
Well, first at all, don’t get upset or too worried about it. You will have a chance to retake the exam without financial penalty.
A failed exam is an indicator that you had not completely mastered the module content and were not adequately prepared to write the online exam. This can easily happen to any student who gets a bit ahead of themselves; studying complex technical material like ours.What is really important is that you master it now. So, go back to the module learning materials, work with them until you have really mastered the module and then come back to retry the final exam. Check out our related blog on the Top 4 Strategies on how to Prepare for Your Online Exams for some tips on how to do this.
If you do fail an exam here is the process that you will need to work through to set up your second attempt of the exam.
If you fail a module exam you will immediately receive an email from the GBC marking server asking you to contact the student support center for further assistance.
You call the Student Support Center at 1-866-279-1457 and discuss the exam results with a Support Advisor.
The Support Advisor will provide feedback and suggestions on how to best prepare for your second attempt at the exam, including addressing any specific content or technical questions that you might have.
The Support Advisor, we will then “reset” the exam in our system, making it available to you to rewrite through the online Resource Center.
Once you have completed your additional studying and exam preparation, you can to rewrite it at any time.
There is no cost associated with rewriting an exam, the first time. However if you fail an exam a second time you need to go through the same process again, and also pay an administrative fee of $30 to get it reset.
If you have any questions about the online exam process, please give us a call, toll free at 1-866-279-1457 or contact us by email at [email protected].
Good luck with your exams!