Online Technical Training Blog

3 Challenges Adult Learners Face and How Online Technical Training Can Help
You’re thinking about upgrading your technical skills, but still have reservations about going back to school as an adult learner. It’s completely normal to have these feelings. We now live in a world where going back to school as an adult has not only become more common, but increasingly vital, as workers across all industries try to stay relevant in the face of technological and societal change.
Being an older student does carry its own unique challenges. Let’s go through some of those challenges together, and discuss how online training can address them.
Costs – Can You Afford It?
First and foremost, you clearly have other financial obligations. Can you afford to add training to your current expenses? Paying your rent, budgeting for groceries or car payments; these are the practical things that can make saving and paying for tuition difficult.
More and more people are turning to online education as an option to get the technical training they require. Our online programs at George Brown College Technical Training are a good example. Online programs are usually less expensive than full-time and part-time in-class, traditional classroom based programs. If you choose to enroll in one of our PLC Training Programs for example, you can expect to pay about $1700, with a pay-as-you-learn option costing as little as $440, to get started.
Financial aid can be critically important for a lot of students, and you might also be wondering if you qualify for any as an adult learner. If you’re currently employed, your employer may offer to reimburse your tuition. If you think that’s an option that will work for you, check out these 7 top tips to convince your employer to pay for your online technical training. You can also look into WIOA funding, a U.S. federally funded program that helps adult learners with some of their costs.
Time and Location – Finding the Right Balance
Now comes the big challenge. Where do you enroll, and when do you fit the time to study into your busy schedule? Time management is a challenge for any student, but because adult learners have different priorities, it can be even trickier. Instead of taking the time to commute and spending your day in a classroom, with Online Technical Training at George Brown College, you’ll be able to organize and shift your study time around to make it work for you. Best of all, you can work from home at your own pace. That means that you won’t be stuck in traffic, rushing to get to your classes on time.
Support – Will I Find Help When I Need It?
It can be hard to get into a study routine once you’ve been away from school for a while. Things like developing good study habits and memorizing equations can be difficult until you get into the new swing of things. Most online programs are designed for independent learning. At George Brown College Technical Training, you will have access to our Support Consultants via phone, e-mail, and through our dedicated Student Support Center. There, you can find the technical and tutorial support you need. As a student, you can also check out our Online Discussion Forums where you can get help from tutors and connect with your fellow peers. Once you’ve logged into the forum, you can ask questions related to course material, post topics of your own, and discuss interesting topics with other students in your program. So while you will be learning on your own, you won’t be alone as you go through the material. Technical support will also be there for any questions or concerns you may have related to software, exams, course content, and much more.
Share Your Thoughts with Us
Let us know what challenges you’re dealing with while you’re deciding to go back to school. Is there anything that is working better for you? Where are you finding the support you need?
If you’re interested in finding out more about the Online Technical Certificate Training Programs at George Brown College, contact us. You can speak to a Program Consultant toll-free at 1 888-553 5333 or email us at [email protected].